Month: June 2021

eXpert Insights: Emojis In Digital Marketing

Emojis: a thing we never thought we needed and now we can’t live without ‘em. Well, that’s a little dramatic but you catch our drift. Emojis are EVERYWHERE: texting, email, candy, giant stuffed pillows, movies, and now a dedicated World Emoji Day! The reality is that emojis have transformed the way we communicate. Every day […]

eXpert Insights | iOS 14 & Facebook: 2 Solutions You Must Consider Today

War. Doomsday. Apple vs. Facebook. The bout between the two tech giants has been going on for years with no end in sight. If you’re reading this, you already know what iOS 14.5 is – the people’s champion, the “little guy’s” liberator – the advertising killer. We live In a time where privacy is a […]

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